We found this drawing on the side of a box of rags at work. I wondered what the person that drew it was thinking. They drew a chair, complete with woodgrain and knots and wrote "Mr. C" above it. What a random thing to draw! What were they thinking?!
I had a wonderful picture of a faux finish that was mostly black sponged randomly with teal and pink over white that matched a border, but somehow I deleted it. I guess my 'What were they thinking?!' post won't last much longer. But I do have one more:

Bean was jumping on a tiny trampoline with several little kids! What was he thinking?! But it was fun for the kids because when he jumped, it made them fly higher in the air. It looks like he's standing on Gavin's head.
And finally, what was I thinking?!

Well, I'll tell you. Cornish Game Hen is nasty. It's slimy and it has skin. When I took it out of the package, I just looked at it and laughed to myself. Then I had to touch it. I felt horrible when I snapped the legs off and ripped the wings off. I felt like I was killing this poor little baby hen. Plus it was slimy. Then I had to use my trusty kitchen shears to cut down it's backbone so that it would be in smaller pieces for the soup I was making. Then I peeled off the slimy skin and just about ralphed when I had to rinse it off. The bones! The skin! The slime!
The worst part was the wings. I decided not to touch them anymore and threw them away. No amount of dark meat is worth the trouble of getting it off of a nasty wing. The plus side is that when I was done, it turned into this:

It's really more of a stew than a soup, but it made me think of a traditional English meal. It smelled wonderful as it was cooking, and the meat was very tender. I added potatoes, onions, peas and garlic to the broth, which thickened up a lot. Those are garlic cheese biscuits to go with it. It tasted so good I almost considered touching a slimy game hen again. Unfortunately it's just not worth it.
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