This is the view standing in the doorway, less than 1 step inside. Notice the small closet space and lack of overall space.
We can use Eucie as a reference here; I'm standing in the corner looking across the room at the TV stand/desk (with only one chair), and there's also a glimpse of the kitchen to the left.
And here is the lovely kitchen. We ate out a lot that month, but believe it or not, we made chicken, pasta, and soup on that stove. We also ate lots of snack foods and sandwiches. The fridge was barely big enough to keep any leftovers, much less all of the stuff we brought from the house. We ended up throwing away most of the frozen stuff we intended to keep!

And finally the tiny bathroom that we shared with Eucie's litterbox. I did like the step in the shower though, it's convenient for shaving your legs. Which I probably did all of one time at that hotel.

We are so glad to be over with that phase in our lives!!
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