August 25, 2010

Always, Sometimes, Never

I always...
-have a cup of OJ with my cereal for breakfast. The day isn't right without it!
-listen to Kidd Kraddick in the morning
-think. About anything and everything. This week it's E&J's wedding and the shoes I will wear to it! Last week it was Liz's future wedding dress. And bachelorette party.
-look forward to the next vacation: California!

I sometimes...
-eat icecream for dinner
-call Brooklyn by her nicknames: Pumpkin, sugar, punky doggy, Brooklie
-skip a training walk to take a nap (or blog)
-space out at work and stare at the 3 pictures I have: the girls at Brittney's wedding; Liz, Donna and I at HCC Flag Football; and Bean and I dancing at our wedding

I never...
-stop worrying about being in the next episode of 'I didn't know I was pregnant'. EEK!
-wear mascara or any other makeup to work on Sundays, nor do I fix my hair
-forget Donna's birthday, which was yesterday
-stop being grateful for my family and friends!

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sam and brittney said...

Loved it! My favorite was how you always think about you will be pregant and not know it!! I think those people on the show are lying. Trust me, you will know!!