October 3, 2012

Baby Diary: Weeks 13-14

Dear Bucky,
Thanks for joining us on my birthday dinner last week- the big 29. Yikes!

Also, I sorta wish you weren't there so that I could have enjoyed a cosmo with appetizers, then a glass of wine and a medium-rare steak, and then a glass of champagne with dessert. And probably some ceviche in there somewhere.

Now I have a confession to make. I know you don't care, but I'm afraid some of my readers will be uncomfortable with this. I did have several bites of your dad's medium-rare steak and about 1/3 of a glass of champagne. (grimace at judgemental thoughts from whomever)

The steak was absolutely delicious, I wish I'd ordered it myself. But all the books say that you can get sick if you eat undercooked meat. For some reason I tend to lean toward undercooked things- that would explain the fascination with the steak, the ceviche, and sushi- that I'm not allowed to have according to whoever made the rules.

And as for the champagne, it's just not a birthday for me without champagne. I did have to convince your dad to let me have it, and he agreed as long as I had it WITH THE MEAL, absolutely no sips allowed before having food in my stomach! He was very earnest about that. I wasn't even allowed to order it until we placed our food order and I had to specify 'with my meal'. :)

It was nice to have a birthday not in the middle of a vacation like the last two, and it's the first birthday I can remember not making a big deal out of it.

This week, I think you gave me a belated birthday gift: two days in a row, and counting, where I haven't needed a 2-hour nap and have felt well enough to eat healthy food and actually cook dinner. It's a miracle!

Some of the stress at work is quieting down, so that may be a contributing factor too. It's definitely not sunshine and roses-not at all; but several of the extra things I was asked to do have been taken care of, so it's back to the business of getting my store running right, putting out fires, and dealing with complaints that I never had before the big assistant swap.

We went to the grocery store on Sunday, which is complete torture for a pregnant lady with lots of food aversions. That day I still wasn't feeling that great and I'm pretty sure I ate something processed or fried for every single meal. Then Monday, I cooked a big pan of lasagna, and I've been eating oatmeal and greek yogurt for breakfast. I'm also drinking more fluids and sticking with the gummy vitamins. I bet when I run out of this bottle, I can switch back to the regular ones.

It's amazing the difference in my mood when I know I'm eating healthy and not feeling so crappy all the time.

I bought my first pair of maternity pants this week. They are so ugly, but very comfortable. I had to send a picture to your Aunts because the way they looked made me laugh so much.

Also I felt a couple of bubbles in my belly near the same side they always find you on. It made me think of bubbles in a fish tank that just kept churning, and then it went away. Was that you doing cartwheels because you loved the lasagna?


Kayla Cheatwood said...

My opinion is that the steak is fine. When I was pregnant, I ate MR steak, a lot. I stayed away from fish because of the mercury issue (though I did have SOME!) I think (as a mother, not a medical professional or expert in anything), that as long as you don't over do it or have something everyday, you're fine with indulging now and then. You are doing a fantastic job already as a mother, not because you are doing everything "perfectly", but because you want to and are trying!

Mom said...

I agree 100% with Kayla ... let your body decide what you need - Buck will always tell you! Glad you are feeling better and are able to eat some of the things you enjoy! Hahaha about the maternity pants .... Glad you had a good birthday dinner! Love you!

Kayla Cheatwood said...

Hey! I need an update!

And I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! http://kaylacheatwood.blogspot.com/2012/10/liebster-blog-award.html