November 8, 2012

Bucky Diary: Week 19

This week has been pretty odd so far. No big changes physically or mentally, but I do have a couple of great highlights:

Monday was the first day off in several months that actually felt like a day off. I think it's because I worked alone on Sunday, and I felt like I did a good job. All of the customers got good service (I was friendly), I finished all the things I needed to and left a good note for the guys to take care of on Monday, I left the store the way I want it to be left for me, and I was still able to read 3 magazines and part of my book. As much as I hate working on Sunday, that was a good one and mentally it allowed me to completely relax on Monday- knowing I'd done what I could at work.

I did what I wanted that day. I went to Hobby Lobby and started a few crafts. I fantisized about what your room will look like. I took a nap or two. I bought a really cute and fashionable top and jacket at Target that are NOT maternity and I can't wait to wear them on a date with your dad. I think I just need time and space to be creative and I haven't had that in a really long while.

Tuesday I took you to vote with me. I was wishing I could fill out a ballot for you, based off what I'd heard from lots of people but it turns out I didn't need to. I'm so glad the election is over because I'm tired of hearing everyone's one-sided arguments. And being so completely non-confrontational myself; I can't stand getting into political 'discussions'. Your dad and I went to our original 'Party Place' Buffalo Wild Wings and had dinner; which resulted in a heated political debate. That was about all of that I could handle!

The hardest part for me (especially in my current sensitive state) was reading people's comments on Facebook and taking them personally, especially people who were disappointed in the outcome of the election claiming that everyone who voted one way are uneducated, idiots, etc. I guess I see it from a journalistic standpoint: we are each entitled to our own opinion and that's what's so great about this country. I guess that also means we are entitiled to bash each other if we want! The beauty is that we have the right to research the candidates, decide what's important to us, and vote! Pretty cool thing... and it is nice to see everyone's passion.

Wednesday I had lunch with your Great Aunt Judy (she wanted wings so I had it 2 days in a row). She went with me to purchase the greatest pair of expensive maternity jeans ever. I mean, they made my day! I'll have to post a picture for posterity. They are awesome. Then I had dinner/wine (sniffing) night with your Aunt Jess. I'm so glad you will be around for her wedding, even if you are not at the ceremony or reception. Maybe we will put you in a cute outfit just for a picture.

Nothing is better or more important than spending time and your undivided attention on people you care about and that feel the same way about you. At the end of the day, all you have is time.

These blog posts keep staying long and I think it's because if I direct my ramblings at you, I start to get sentimental (or whatever it is) and want to try and teach you everything I'm learning right now. I can't wait to see you next week! I know that you are either a boy or a girl or a hermaphrodite right now, but we are not going to find out which for about 20 more weeks. You could also have downs syndrome or some other scary disease that freaks people out, but it doesn't matter. We love you so much and we are halfway down the road to meeting you! I'm going to keep my focus on reducing/eliminating stress, which could mean listening to as much Bob Marley as possible.

Ok I'm really going to stop writing now since this is getting a little strange.