July 30, 2015

P90X3- Lean program

Several months ago, I was so tired of feeling crappy and eating everything in sight and using my pregnancies as an excuse to eat everything in sight that Bean and I decided to jump in and try P90X3. We have the original P90X program but the workouts are a full hour long and who has time for that?! 

The X3 program has workouts 6 days a week for only 30 minutes. The guide includes a few different training programs, depending on what your goals are. I convinced Bean we should try the 'Lean' version first because it looked easier on paper... aka... less pull ups. 

We were terrible at following the program. We did absolutely zero in the way of diet changes, except that when you are jumping around sweating your balls off, the last thing you want when you are done is to drink wine or eat any food. So we very likely saved lots of calories at the end of the day that way. We also ate dinner before hand and gave it time to digest before working out. 

We had extra days off, usually so I could go to dinner with friends and have several margaritas. Sometimes because we were so exhausted. We generally stuck to the plan though, and it was hard for my control freak mindset to have so many extra days off- we should have followed the program exactly, damnit! (now I'm rolling my eyes at myself). 

Begrudgingly, we took pictures and measurements Before and After. 


121 lbs, also extra bloated from my period; I won't type out all of my measurements because that's just boring and who really cares? Nobody but me.

There was also the 2.5 week break we took when I got a bad case of poison ivy allover my body. Getting warm made it itch worse, so I needed it to go away before getting sweaty. Plus I was busy bathing and applying coconut oil with lavender and watching Call the Midwife.

This was another exercise in learning to let it go. At least we were working out, even if we were getting annoyed with Tony Horton and his creepy sidekick Alice, and even if we were taking extra days off to sit on the couch and drink wine and talk to each other.

Then we had the rolling stop where we skipped the last 3 days of the easiest week because it was Pilates, then Yoga, then Dynamix- all of which don't require shoes or getting sweaty. And we both dislike Pilates. 


119 lbs (let's be real, I can fluctuate 2 lbs in any given day); but notably I did lose 1.5 inches off my waist, 1 inch off my hips and added 1 inch to each thigh. Boom!

The pictures are kind of embarassing and I can see the difference but I'm the only one that pays that close attention to my abs. I've always wanted a six pack and I'm really no closer than I've been in the past but it does feel good to be doing something.

So we started on the 'Classic' program and we are going to just decide each day if we want to work out. Seeing the measurements on paper was a huge motivator to keep going and try harder on the eating thing. We will see how it goes! For the record, Bean lost 10 lbs and at least one inch on every measurement point (each arm, both thighs, chest, waist, and hips). Impressive!

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jeanette said...

Again....thanks for the motivation!