Bean and I have been trying to find fun family activities we can do each year and look forward to. Since the Independence Day parade this year was a bust, I had been wanting to find another parade to attend, and the perfect one presented itself- UNT Homecoming.
In college, I was in Talons, the spirit organization, and we walked/rode in the parade every year. We built the bonfire, and I got to light it twice, and we sat on the 50-yard line at all home football games. It's where I met Maggie, and if it weren't for Talons, I wouldn't have met Bean.
We were spurred by the super cute UNT Cheerleader outfit that Gigi found for Abby. She was out growing it and we thought we should find one last really good place for her to wear it. The parade was at 11am, so it was the perfect place to go. We were able to back the truck up right in front of the Union and got the best view of the parade.
We got little cheek stickers (Abs put a few on her arm) and dressed out in UNT gear. We had a great view, and the parade groups gave out amazing candy, even better than we got at Halloween!

I love when Bean has just a little stubble, it reminds me of when we started dating. He is just so cute. Francie girl has her working girl headband on.

I love this sisters photo because they are so sweet and you can see the parade route in the background. After it was over, we walked through the new remodeled Union, which was trippy because it was really hard to figure out what parts had changed into what, but it was really cool. Then we drove around and showed Abby where I lived, where Aunt Maggie lived and found Eucie, and had lunch at a bar on Fry Street. On the way home, we had some Beth Marie's ice cream- the perfect ending to a great day!
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