December 30, 2021

2021: The hardest year in recent memory

 1. What did you do in 2021 that you'd never done before?  Exclusively pumped, fed a child formula (no shame either way, it was just the first time I relied on it), went 10 months without sleep, did exactly ZERO house projects and ZERO date nights (no wonder this year was awful), called the PSI helpline after a very traumatic evening when my mental health was nonexistent, physical therapy2....

March 28, 2021

Brooks Harrison Birth Story

My last midwife appointment was Wednesday the 25th, the day before Thanksgiving. I went there first and she asked if I wanted to check my dilation and I told her I was fine with that and she asked if I wanted a sweep and I said only if I was like 3 cm dilated or more. I really didn’t want a midwife...

February 4, 2021

Surprise Pregnancy Number 5! Trimester 3.

The one thing I knew by the time I reached the 3rd Trimester was that my belly was huge. I measured 1-2 weeks ahead most of that time. We hired a doula and she reassured me that there wasn't much chance of twins at this stage since we already had an ultrasound, and that even if the baby was bigger than...

February 3, 2021

Surprise Pregnancy Number 5! Trimester 2.

Soon enough it was the 2nd trimester and the girls and I spent the days down at the creek playing and relaxing. I wore overalls almost every single day. I taught myself how to mow the lawn after we fired the lawn guys for cutting it too short and making it die. I loved having a new activity to focus...

Surprise Pregnancy Number 5! Also the general story of the year 2020. Trimester 1.

2020 was quite the year for our family. In addition to coping with a global pandemic and virtual school, we welcomed our fifth and final member to the world. He wraps up our family so perfectly! Although generally people don't talk about this part, he was conceived on leap year day- February 29th-...