Step One: Tape and plastic all of the walls, floors, and any open areas to try and contain the dust. You will still have to clean up a lot, but it helps.
Step Two: Spray the ceilings with warm water as shown below:

Step Three: Use a drywall knife to scrape down the texture, after the water has soaked in. Be prepared to get dirty. Check out this action shot: You can see the texture falling down!

Repeat on 5 rooms at one time, which will take approximately 7 hours with two people.

We had a healthy lunch in the living room, just outside of the plastic barrier we made for the dining room.

Here's a shot of the dining room when we were taking a break. You can see the green they had on the walls before we repainted.

And here's another shot of the dining room after we got the popcorn down. It looks so much better already!

The hard part was that we didn't have water turned on at the house, so we drove over to Anna's for a wonderful shower at the end of the day. That was one of the greatest experiences of my life- that one shower. We went to dinner and slowly started to feel our muscles tighten up from all of the work.

Day two: Make sure to get all suited up and ready to apply the new texture. A spray suit and spray sock are recommended.

Drag the texture machine into the work-zone. Mix the mud with water (which the old homeowners left for some reason- thank goodness!) until it pours. When you think it pours, it isn't thin enough so add more water.

Then spray the texture, and knock it down. This should only take about 5 hours with 1 person spraying, and the other person knocking it down. Here's a shot of our master bedroom with the texture done and plastic pulled down.

And another a few days later after we started priming.

Over the next couple of months, we primed, painted, cleaned, and replaced light fixtures and bath fixtures, did faux finishes, and painted trim.

Here's Eucie helping out with the light fixtures.
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