We showed Brittney and Baby James how loved they are! I used Brittney's camera to capture most of the gift opening at her shower on Saturday, but I couldn't resist getting her opening part of my gift with my camera:

I wanted to get little Jeans and Bean wanted to get a little plaid shirt, but I didn't like the plaid shirt and he didn't like the jeans, so we decided on the polo and khakis instead. Everyone said, "That looks like a little Sam!"
Let's backtrack a little bit into the planning and details of the shower. The theme was 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. Jess made the invites by hand which were awesome- dark blue paper with silver stars and a sheet of vellum with the invite info on the top.

What is this thing? Oh! It has ice in it!

For decor, we found the idea to hang twine and put up onesies with clothespins. Jess found these that had the star theme on sale and baby clothespins to hang them with. We were both completely lost on how to throw a baby shower that wasn't too corny but that was still nice and cute and fun. I think the star theme was cute but not too cutesy.

Mrs. Martine had sandwiches made and petit fours that I somehow missed a picture of. They had sparkles on them and some had silver frosting! I would love to learn how to make those. There was also an overabundance of Greek salad, fruit and veggies and other finger foods.

The guestbook was a onesie that everyone signed- another cute idea Jess found on the Internet.
Rachel and Britt did the 'Homecoming Dance' pose. Obviously Rachel is the guy since she has on shorts and Britt is the girl with her dress on.

They had a really great hug when Britt arrived but I took too long to get my camera out.

One of the games was for the guests to bring a baby picture and everyone would guess who was who. Lauren ended up getting all 17 of them right! Her prize was a box of chocolates. Another game was BINGO aka 'JAMES' during the gifts where everyone would cross off items that she received. Aunt Jodi won a box of chocolates for that.

We also had a drawing for a Marble Slab gift card for anyone who brought a package of diapers. Connie won that one! And you can see on the table next to the diapers, the biggest project I worked on for the shower:

Cake Pops! These were chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting inside dipped in vanilla melts (they don't make blue chocolate) with pearl sprinkles or glitter sprinkles. They turned out much better than the others. I couldn't share them last week for fear that Brittney would see them on my blog and know that I made them for her.
Now Bakerella has a post about Cheesecake Pops. They sound crazy delicious. Will the insanity end?
Seriously, what a fun shower it was!!1 I had a blast! You and Jess did a great job! Don't worry all the cake pops were eaten at my house. I had about 4! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
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