August 17, 2009

The next 3 years, in vacation mode

This is where we will be next year. We will spend a couple of days in Cuzco to get used to the altitude, then hike 4 days to reach Machu Picchu. I suspect we will have to train for several months, even a year, for this trip but it will be so worth it. I just spent over an hour reading travel websites with tips and things to think about.
Originally the plan was to drive the Pacific Coast Highway in California next year- you know, start off our 3 vacations easy. But Bean says that it will be much more expensive next year because California went bankrupt. So we are moving Machu Picchu up a year. 2010.
The year after that, we will work on saving money and/or paying off student loans and probably take a couple of small trips around the states, like to Chicago, possibly Boston again, and maybe we'll go to NYC again.
Then in 2012, when we decide we are ready for our baby-making expedition, we will kick it off with a trip to Italy. It has to be at the beginning of the expedition, because if I get pregnant before we leave, I won't be able to enjoy the wine. This trip will require preparation as well, we will need to learn Italian.
Must have a plan.
By the time we go to Machu Picchu, we should have our 8-months emergency fund more than complete, and will be on our 3rd tenant at the rent house. That puts us at 5-years ownership in that house. Maybe the majestic views at Machu Picchu will help us decide whether to keep the house and continue renting or to sell. We will also be rid of the truck that is never used, and my car swapped out for a Vue, with a lower monthly payment than the truck. Or maybe we'll keep my car for another year. No payments!
We should also have our student loans payed down, with the ultimate goal that they are completely gone by the time we head to Italy. That way we can go and eat, drink, and make a baby with no stress.
Who wants to babysit the cat?


sam and brittney said...

I don't know if you can wait until 2012 for making a baby with all your baby dreams!! I'm so glad I was in your dream and was giving you such great pregnancy knowledge! Being a mom to a new baby is HARD! There are soo many things that just take time to figure out and you can only learn it with your baby. That being said, James has completely stolen my heart. Just a thought, maybe you shouldn't drink wine in Italy if you are trying to make a baby. So, many things happen at the very beginning!! I love thinking about you prego!

Whitney Urquhart said...

WOW lots of plans. Can't imagine having my life that planned out. I think they call that OCD and yes I have heard there is help for those who sufer. hehehe. 2012 again wow. Britt will have 4 by then and me stopping nicely at 2.