September 1, 2009

My Husband is 27

I'm struggling with how to write this post and be positive. I want to write about the terrible week I had last week, which culminated with Bean's birthday yesterday. But nothing good can come of it because nothing about it will change. Maybe if I make it a quick list, it won't sound so bad?

-Worked open-close (3-11.5 and 1-9.5 hour shifts) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday without any help; leaving me at 62 hours for the week
-Got to cancel my hair appointment Friday because I had to work
-Bean cleaned the house for his own party Friday (it was on my list for Saturday)
-Instead of banana cupcakes from scratch, Bean got funfetti cupcakes from a box
-That's all I had time for
-None of the laundry got done, nor did the grocery shopping, nor cleaning out the fridge
-I arrived home on Saturday 3.5 hours after the first party guests arrived
-I hate getting home after guests arrive because then I'm not the hostess anymore
-Maggie and Elissa took over my cooking duties
-I went overboard on beverages at the house and at Pete's
-Not everyone showed up that we thought were going to (I love huge parties and it wasn't)
-Bean had to take care of me on Sunday
-I ran out of my thyroid medicine and couldn't get a refill until 5pm on Monday
-That's another one I would have taken care of days in advance if I was off work
-We didn't go on a tour of Cowboy's Stadium (Bean's choice)
*Instead, we had dinner at Campisi's and saw the movie 'Adam'
*I did get my hair cut on Monday
-I was stressing out that I was going to get called into work all day
-I also ran around trying to pull together Bean's gift
-He already had the book "I am America, and so can you". He read it on our Sweetiemoon.
-He already had new(ish) running shoes, so we didn't go on an excursion to get the perfect pair.
-We exchanged the book for another one he wanted.
-He told me he wanted a couple of books from Amazon, and guitar lessons.
-So I will figure out how to get him the present he asked for this week.
-I didn't pick up my prescription because it was in the opposite direction of dinner.
-We were 15 minutes early for our dinner reservations.
*I got compliments on my dress from the server and hostess.
*Dinner at Del Frisco's for Restaurant Week was excellent and cheaper than normal.
*We talked about what we would do with the money if we won the lottery.
-I didn't sit down all day until we got home from dinner.
-I'm exhausted after 2 days without my medicine. Is this what I used to feel like every day?

The best parts of the week have an * in front. Life is Tough- Get a Helmet!

PS- There is no visual record of him reading that book on our Sweetimoon, so I shouldn't feel bad for not remembering- it was almost 2 years ago!