March 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning well underway.

We are getting back to the basics- getting rid of the multiple 'junk' drawers, cleaning out the closet, and moving all of the furniture to do a 3-step clean on the floors. First, I sweep up the major dust bunnies/pet hair, then I vaccum to make sure I got all the dirt, then I use our steam mop to make sure it's spotless.

Last Friday I did our bedroom and bath. There was over half a trash-bag full of junk to throw away! I even got all of the pet hair off of our blinds.

Last Saturday I did our living room, which included ordering a new ottoman/coffee table storage thing to hide some of our stuff, and also included the entryway and stairs. And those junk drawers. I even washed and ironed the curtains.

Today I tackled the kitchen- including cabinets, powder bath, and dining room. It's really amazing how quickly pet hair accumulates in a place with no carpet, especially since all of our furniture has legs that the air can just flow around and carry the hair with it.

I don't know now long the cleanliness will last until we have to do it again, but it feels really good knowing it's been done. Next week I'll get to the upstairs. My goal is to have it done before I go to Houston for Liz's Wedding.

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dbrooks/mom said...

I would like to hire you for a weekend to come and do MY spring cleaning! How much do you charge??? ;-)