March 5, 2015

Snowed In!

I have to interrupt the 'already planned in my head' posts about Costa Rica with an important update on the weather here at home. We are Snowed In!

First I would like to say that Cabin Fever is legit. It's not even something to joke about. I was losing my mind last week during Ice-pocolypse 2015. School was cancelled so I had to figure out something to do without leaving the house on Monday. I don't even remember what we did. Luckily we still had music class on Tuesday.

Wednesday was back to school but the whole week still felt off. I worked on Wednesday which made me feel behind- I'd rather do it on Monday!

There's something about a delicious To-Do list that has ZERO crossed off of it that puts me in a bad mood. Then I embraced the lazy and erased all of things I half-heartedly did (and those I did not do) for that week and decided to not feel bad that I didn't sweep or clean the bathrooms like I planned. Have I mentioned that I do have a Daily/Weekly/Monthly checklist that I laminated so I can reuse it every week? There's also a blank one that I fill out each day of the week with specific activities. I love it.

We did a reverse weekend, where we ate in a restaurant on Sunday night instead of Friday and/or Saturday. We made our own pizza at home on Saturday, and Bean tried his hand at homemade bruchetta. It was good, and I think he will improve the recipe the more he makes it, like his world famous guacamole recipe. Maybe we will start a new tradition with fancy recipes on Saturday nights. I was ready to jump into a new week with two days of school and nothing holding me back!

I did clean the house for 2 hours straight on Monday, and did as much work as I could with no printer ink (the mail was delayed last week because of the ice, so the Amazon 2-day shipping didn't happen). I even got to catch up with my dear friend Maggs over a delicious dinner and amazing drinks.

Fast forward to today. It's so beautiful to look outside my window. I walked out the garage, through the alley, along the street, and back onto my street to take these pictures without any ugly footprints messing up the look. The thin patches of ice had water running underneath them and cracked when I stepped on them. I love the feeling of powdery snow crunching under my feet. I don't like being cold.

And then I messed it up because I could hear Abigail screaming inside because she could see me and wanted me to come in and/or for her to come outside.

Since we had several inches outside, I thought we should collect some and make snow icecream. What that was, I had no idea, but I figured it would be fun to try. Abby loved using the scoop to get the snow into the bowl.

About 10 minutes later, she walked to the door as I was trying to collect a bowl full and told me she wanted to go inside. I asked why, and she told me it was cold. This is how she says cold: by saying the word, while simultaneously shrugging her shoulders up.

I also love how our backyard looks coated in it. The bushes to the left especially look nice!

Snow Ice Cream was extremely easy! Abby put in as much sugar as she wanted.

I added several teaspoons of vanilla and plenty of milk. Lots of stirring and it was ready!

Have I mentioned it's only 9am at this point?

Sprinkles because... why not?

Bean wouldn't try it, but I thought it was good. Not to sweet either!

Other activities we did: push Abby around in a small folding stroller ("Baby!! Baby!!"), chase Brooklyn while pushing Abby in the little stroller, read books, do check ups on Abby and Mama and Elmo with her play doctor kit ("listen to your heart"), staple paper, sit in front of the fire, and make a blanket fort in the bed.

I'm so ready for spring, but I'm so grateful to have Bean home with us on a day like today!

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Mom said...

What an adventure! That snow ice cream looks good, too!