December 20, 2013

Breakfast Taco

Here was Abigail's third day eating breakfast. So far she had eggs all three days, and oatmeal twice. I wanted to mix it up so I made her a loose breakfast taco. I had one too. She had the yolks, I had the whites. Here's what she was thinking the whole time:

 "Mmmmm I like this tortilla!"

"Here, Mama- eat some of my eggs!"

 "Brooklyn, you taste them!"

"Hee hee, she ate them!"

 "Clean my fingers off, Doggy Brooklyn!"


 "Hi, Mama- what is that thing you are holding in my face?"

"See how cute I am when I eat eggs?"

 "Hey, I don't want to take pictures of me eating eggs anymore!"

Then we decided to try a new game where we put her in a Gap bag. It was fun when I carried her into the dining room to get the camera, but she fell over right after this. Game over.

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