January 31, 2017

Office: Before

Here's the latest project in progress... the Office. 

Since I work from home, I spend a good amount of time in this room. I was ok with it but I couldn't stand the cluttered bookshelf, the lack of organization, and the items always cluttering up the desktop. 

Bean has had it in his mind that he wanted an old tanker desk from the 50's for a long time, and it took awhile for him to convince me to get on board, but the more I thought about the plans for this room, the more excited I got. 

Before we get too far, let's look back at where it started. 

I have my models helping out on this one again. The paint actually wasn't too bad, and they re-textured the walls, so we were fine with this room staying the same for awhile. But since we were doing the adjoining Entry, we decided to go ahead and do this room as well.

The Before pictures really aren't bad since the previous owners had done a decent job updating it.

I love how my desk faced the windows so I could look out at the trees or people walking by while I worked. We love the plaster molding and the tray ceiling, and I especially love the plaster medallion around the light fixture.

SO MANY ITEMS. I got rid of some of it already.

There's a picture with a little less clutter!

I love these diamond windowpane windows. I don't know if it's because they remind me of the house I grew up in or what, but I don't ever plan to get rid of them!

This is the only piece of artwork that's staying. It fits so well on this wall and coordinates with our travel theme. Oops! I gave you a hint. I can't wait to show you the awesome details.

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