January 27, 2017

Flashback Friday: Guest Room: After!

As I mentioned before, this is the room we did on a whim. We had carpet going in and figured we might as well get the ceiling and crown molding installed, which turned into painting the walls, installing and painting crown and door trim, and the new ceiling fan. 
In a week and a half. 
And I was 6 months pregnant. 
It took us a month and a half to do the same amount of work in Abby's big girl room. 
Oh my!

It's now one of our favorite rooms in the house. We love the wall color, how calming it feels (even when the bed is not made at all! ha!), and the Banksy canvas print. The furniture is from Bean's first house before we moved in together and got engaged.

I'm having a patterned curtain with woven shade moment. I have it in almost all of my rooms. Thanks World Market!

By the way, World Market is one of my favorite stores to just go look around. I don't have to buy anything, except maybe some wine (because that's fun).

I feel relaxed just looking at this room.

Bean installed the door trim around the hall door and the closet door. I wonder if there are updated intercom systems you can purchase to retrofit your house. I always wanted to live in a house with an intercom but I have no idea how to use it, and the panels are really really really freaking ugly. (That's the panel- the ugly yellow/orange thing in the middle of the wall if you aren't familiar).

At some point in the future, when Francie is ready for a big girl room, this will be hers. If we do anything, all we have to do is paint the walls and it's hers. Same with Abby's current room. All we have to do is paint the walls to change it up. We did all the heavy lifting up front. And I'm so glad we did.

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jeanette said...

The "after" guest room is a very calmimg retreat. No wonder it is one of your favorite rooms.
There are times I work better under pressure with deadlines.
Glad you could envision the potentional of your home when you purchased it.