November 5, 2008

Nervous to post this because I know you might disagree with me, but posting it anyway

"I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last sixteen years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama."

When a man who has just overcome huge obstacles to win the highest office speaks about his wife in that way, that's when I started to cry. Then it was because it's the first time I felt like my vote mattered. Our generation decided to stand up for what we believe and prove that we will be heard. Everyone says they want something to change, but how can we make it happen if we continue putting the same opinions in office?

It's not about Republican or Democrat, pro-life or pro-choice, gay marriage or not. It's about having the freedom to choose. People want to leave the country because McCain lost the election, but democracy is about giving everyone the right to vote, and the majority wins. If the majority of Americans want Obama to be the next president, those who chose differently should respect the fact that they had the right to voice their opinion. 4 years ago when I voted, I felt like it didn't make a difference, because who I (and the majority vote) picked didn't win. I didn't want to pack up and leave, because this is where I belong, even if I don't fully agree with the decision the rest of the country made. I belong here because I got the chance to submit my ballot and give my opinion.

Finally, I feel like I matter, that someone is listening to me, and that they are looking out for my best interest. Now we can stand together as a country and take this opportunity to be united and change things for the better.

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