February 17, 2009

Reaching Goals

I'm very happy to report that in 3 days, we should be getting back our tax refund, which will pay off both of our credit cards completely, pay for a $900 ticket Bean's been sitting on for awhile, pay for a 4 day, 3 night vacation with friends to Cancun AND have money left over to toss into savings.

The anticipation is killing me!!

Bean told his work-wife about it, and he said he was suprised we got so much back, since I did them, and I don't lie on my taxes. The main change we had this year was the rent house, which we are not making any money on. In fact, we are losing money since we get to pay for the homeowner's association fees. But we are ok with it for now, since we don't really have to worry about it. I'm crossing my fingers that the tenants will renew their lease for at least one more year.

I took a half day of vacation today. I'm calling it a mental holiday. I've been so overwhelmed with completely reorganizing and re-Plan O Gramming the entire store, plus working so many days in a row, alone, I found myself being short with customers. Certainly not the way a store manager should behave. I feel refreshed and ready to finish up the huge job I started over the next couple of days. All I have left is to finish organizing the back room, touch up the sales floor (shelf tags, fill empty holes, etc), sell all of the old stuff in my Mardi Gras sale next week, get rid of mistints, replace broken/loose floor tiles, replace water-stained ceiling tiles and paint the walls in the store to the new colors. The last step is optional, but it will make a huge difference in how customers perceive the store.

By then we should run efficiently, and we can go out and steal customers from our competition! If you are reading this and you buy and/or have bought paint from anywhere other than Sherwin-Williams, do not ever tell me. I will be offended.


I don't care how cheap it is. There's a reason for the price, and it's not a good one.

Countdown to Mardi Gras in New Orleans: 3 days!!

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