April 28, 2009


We have gotten lots of compliments on our store appearance in the past two weeks. Even someone at the nicest store said she really liked the way my store looks. Still haven't heard back on that contest.

Also haven't heard back on whether we are losing that account in Houston or not. I'm thinking we probably won't. Keep your fingers crossed for that. And also keep them crossed that we really do get this big job that's right across the street. I finally got ahold of the painter yesterday and he seemed interested in working with me. I've already talked to his Rep several times, so I hope he doesn't push the job back to a bigger store.

I had to do some corrections on Isaac's yearly review and I'm more nervous than ever to present it to him! I made a Daily Task List that he never followed, so I wrote out instructions on how to do each one, and put a page at the back of the 4-page packet for him to sign/acknowledge that he understands how I want things done.

Our Pro Show is this week and I'm excited to see how much we can sell. The rain has been holding up the apartment job that we've had going on (the 650-gallon order), and I don't know how much more paint they need, but hopefully they will give us one or two bigger orders before they are done.

Also, I was invited to a dinner for new MTPs (Management Trainees) to just talk to them and give advice, etc. It's a great opportunity because that means that Dave, the Training Manager thought of me, and I would love to work at the Training Center as his right-hand man.

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