March 19, 2008

NYC here we come...and make sure the DVR is set

So, we booked our flight and hotel for our trip to New York in the middle of May. We had so much fun on New Years 2007, and there was so much we wanted to do that we didn't have time for, we had to make a trip back. It's just a quick 3-day, 2-night trip. We leave really early Sunday morning and we'll get back around dinnertime on Tuesday.

Sunday night we're going to a Yankees game. This is part of Bean's bucket list, since they're tearing down Yankee stadium after this year. Monday night we're going to see RENT on Broadway!! (Is it obvious that this is on my bucket list?) It's closing down in June, so we had to make it to NYC before then. Other plans are to go see the Today show- since it's a morning thing we don't have anything else to do, and go to Chocolate by the bald man (whatever that restaurant is called). I also want to ride the subway as much as possible, have some pizza, and wear cute clothes.

I've taken to watching The Real Housewives of New York City, which is like the Orange County version, but the women are much less friendly. All they do is dress up in expensive clothes, shop, and talk about getting their kids into private school. Bravo is one of my favorite networks- it has Project Runway and Work Out also.

Another favorite show is Jon and Kate Plus 8- it's the couple that had trouble conceiving, so they did IVF and had twins. Then they wanted to try for just one more and ended up with sextuplets! Their children are super cute. At first I wanted to watch the show as another method of birth control (who would want all that craziness?!), but now I think it's having the opposite effect- meaning it's confirmed that I do indeed want children in about 4-5 years.

Now I'm sitting here thinking that this is a sad post. I love watching TV, and look forward to when my DVR has my favorite shows recorded. In addition to the two mentioned above, I look forward to LOST (of course), The Office, Ugly Betty, and Lipstick Jungle. This just makes me sound like a slob! Maybe someday I'll come up with a more interesting hobby...
ballet class...reading enlightening books...volunteering at Gilda's Club...getting a dog...

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