March 28, 2008

First the bad stuff: we're lowering the price on our house by $2,000 today, which puts us below the $110,000 bracket. Hopefully it will generate more interest this weekend and get us an offer. Also, there's now another house the same size as ours for sale in the neighborhood that is listed $1000 less than our new lowered price, but it's 2 years older, which means that they will probably still turn a profit since they have more equity. To add insult to injury, the house I wrote about previously (and that I picked out paint colors for the other day!) is now off the website, which means it's under contract or sold. Beautiful.

On the bright side, there are plenty of houses that look good in our future neighborhood, but we're not going to see them until we get an offer. It may seem a little late, but we make decsions really well together and we have the same idea of what we want. I think that's why we travel so well together- the little decisions like where to eat or what to do just come easily. I think when we find the house we'll just know- kinda like we did with the other one.

For Easter, we just hung around the house and did laundry and dishes. Then we went to Merilee's for spaghetti. I also spent a good portion of the day working on this trifle:

It's layers of brownies (the Ghiradelli ones with chocolate chips), then whipped cream mixed with pudding (I made the whipped cream from scratch, and the pudding was mixed with water and condensed milk- it got clumpy so next time I'm taking out the condensed milk), then strawberries and bananas, then more whipped cream sweetened with vanilla and powdered sugar. Yummy! It got rave reviews too!
Yesterday morning Eucie (the cat) and I had a bonding moment. I was brushing my teeth and she hopped up onto the sink next to me, then started licking the faucet that was off. I turned it on to a little trickle...
And as you can see, she started drinking from the running faucet. What a weirdo!

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