April 28, 2009

Interesting Sunday

This weekend we went to a birthday pool party for some friends on Saturday. It was pretty fun.

On Sunday, Bean and I got up and went to this church in our area that's had some interesting stuff on their billboard the past couple of weeks. This week it was, 'How to get your man to do what you want'. Last week it was, 'How to stay married without killing anyone'. We didn't know what to expect, and when we were walking in we realized it was First Assembly of God, and then they handed us a Pentecostal Evangelist magazine and I started to worry. I'd heard stories of people speaking in tongues and them bringing out snakes.

It was more like a rock concert at first. They played 7 or 8 songs and everyone was up and singing. Then the preacher talked for a VERY long time. He made references to current movies, and made a lot of people laugh (myself included). I learned that men have a 'nothing' box in their brains which means when they take that box out, they really are thinking about nothing. I didn't really learn about God or anything like that. When we got out we realized that we had been in there for nearly 2 hours!! I was expecting 1-hour max and then we would relax and clean and wait for my family to come over for dinner.

We still did that, but not before going to a Mexican grocery store! That was really fun. They played great music, nobody- and I mean nobody- spoke English. They didn't have the regular fruits/veggies, but they had all kinds of other stuff. We bought some fajita steak meat and chicken, already marinated. It turned out delicious! We also tried some cookie things that had marshmallow and strawberry in the middle. We now have a plan to buy Rosetta Stone (my company will reimburse us as a tuition reimbursement thing) and learn/brush up on Spanish so we can talk to people at that grocery store. And also so that I can talk to my painters and so Bean can talk to the guys at work.

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