April 16, 2009

Maybe I won't lose the account if I make my manager some cauliflower-mozarella sticks...

After all of the excitement last week, this week has been a little boring. And that's ok with me!

I'm still waiting to hear back on whether or not I won the Most Improved Store Appearance award. I got a call the other day first thing and I thought my manager was calling to tell me that he chose my store, but instead he asked about an account from Houston that we've been shipping paint to. Since it's in another district, they frown upon shipping paint like that, but I'm not one to pass up easy sales. In fact, NOBODY would pass it up! The account has been out of my store since 2004, and it was opened because the old owner of the Houston business knew our assistant manager at the time. He used to buy the paint from us and drive it down to Houston himself. He sold the company, but since it's a specialty mix product from our Chemical Coatings division, it's easier for the new owners to just call us and have us ship it down. Apparently every different City Manager (my boss) has asked about it for the last 3-4 years, but nothing's been done about it. If I lose the account, I will have to find someone else to buy $8000 from us a year, with the margins they get- around 30%. That's nearly impossible. So we'll see what happens.

Maggie was in town for Easter weekend and we had a great time. We had dinner on Friday at Campisi's- good pizza. Saturday we cooked at the house and then went to Billy Bob's in a group. Sunday she and I went to breakfast at Le Peep. Funny how stuff usually centers around food. I made the Deceptively Delicious mozarella sticks before our dinner on Saturday and they were a hit. Everyone loved them! (They have cauliflower mixed in.)

I didn't take a picture, but I'm inventing a new recipe for dinner tonight: whole-wheat spaghetti with marinara/mushrooms/maybe spinach and miniature mozarella balls tossed in. I'm going to cook them like regular mozarella sticks- pan fried with olive oil, and throw them in after the rest of the spaghetti is put together. Look forward to a picture!

Also, tomorrow I'm going to try the Blueberry-Cheesecake cupcakes. They have squash, blueberry, and spinach purees. They sound scary.

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