The solution: ride our bikes to the grocery store and back.

This is when we got back to our driveway after cutting through a church parking lot and riding through the edges of a field instead of on the 50mph road that leads to the store. I am so glad I used to ride bikes at the ditch growing up because if I hadn't I would have been too afraid to ride in the grass- I would have been thinking about the wheel hitting a rut and me flying off and scraping my knee or breaking the bike.

Here's a shot of me on our street. Bean wouldn't let me take a picture of him carrying the milk and OJ on his back. I think he was embarrassed. I thought it was hilarious!

Here's a closeup of the Sprouts tote bag, worn like a backpack with groceries in it. I felt super eco-friendly that day, with our bikes and our recycled tote bags. More than that, it was a fun way to get some exercise and get something done at the same time! I can't wait to do it again.
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