Here's one highlight:
*The bride and groom danced together all night long. The groom also danced with the bride's mom and it was so cute to see Mrs. Eva dancing like that.
More highlights:
*Getting to help the bride into her dress with her mom
*The ceremony, especially when the Priest said that Love is a choice you make every day- that you should wake up and make the decision to love your partner.
*Getting to stand so close to them during the ring exchange.
*The bride grinning from ear to ear during the ceremony, and turning around to look at her guests multiple times
*Making it through the two speeches (yes this is an ugly picture, no I'm not one of the 3 pregnant bridesmaids):
A couple of low lights:
*Not the best manicure/pedicure I've ever had...probably my least favorite actually. *My hair fell out very quickly, but the lady did prove me wrong by getting it up in about 20 minutes- usually takes at least an hour. I guess there's a reason it usually takes so long
*The rehearsal dinner location changed their reservation, and everything was wrong so it made for a hectic evening, the bride couldn't relax and enjoy her family time *There was no microphone at the rehearsal dinner and nobody could hear my speech- all the jokes got zero reaction. Very awkward.
*Just sensing how overwhelmed and stressed the bride was in the few days before, and not being able to take it away- she really wanted to do everything and was very scattered
And finally a few more highlights:
*Spending time with the girls getting ready
*Cocktail hour was really fun, and we had plenty of champagne
*Being Whataburger ambassadors for the bride's Boston friends
*Hearing about another baby on the way
*Just being there for it all
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