April 1, 2011

Food Oxymoron

A few weeks ago Bean and I were talking about fine dining restaurants and he told me that I'm more of a 'foodie' than he is. It's surprising, because while I do enjoy a great restaurant and delicious food, I also love cafeteria food.

As someone who has spent the last few years eating super healthy- lots of organic stuff, fresh ingredients, hiding veggies in food, a clean eating cookbook- I'm a food oxymoron.

Just the other day, I got a craving for the warm, fried apple sticks they used to give us as a snack at Kindercare. Like miniature fish sticks, but filled with apple mush. Yum.

Fish sticks are great and I like to dip them in honey and eat them with a side of velveeta shells and cheese. And peas too.

I also really love fake mashed potatoes- the stiffer and drier, the better. Grandy's has really good ones. No gravy. The ones from the school cafeteria were also particularly good.

Speaking of high school cafeteria, one year I got lucky on my birthday and they served my favorite: mashed potatoes, chicken chunks, rolls, and green beans. I took a picture for my scrapbook. I always got 2 chocolate milks and the lunch lady knew me. We hugged on my last day going through her line.

They also had really great nachos- all those chips, fake cheese, and a scoop of ground meat on top. So salty. Also really good with 2 chocolate milks.

Back at Kindercare, I loved beanie weanie day. We'd get a whole plate filled with beans and chunks of hot dogs and a side of cornbread.

Not to mention their ravioli- straight from a can, slightly mushy, but with a distinct flavor that I didn't get again until I ate in the cafeteria in college. I almost fell out of my chair when I tasted that ravioli again. I was in heaven.

Another favorite snack was saltines with pieces of american cheese. I will come clean and admit that I have had this for dinner within the last 6 months. It's that good.

One of my favorite places to eat is Luby's, which is unfortunate since they closed all but one that I know of in the Dallas area, and it's nowhere near me. Usually I get a veggie plate with mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and broccoli with cheese. And a roll. It's funny because most people I know do not like Luby's.

I always feel like I have found a kindred spirit when I learn that one of my friends likes it. I guess when I hear they like Luby's, I assume they love all cafeteria food just like me.

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jeanette said...

Jessica loves LUBY'S - fried fish, mashed potatoes & mac/cheese. She only has a few friends who will go with her. Usually when we meet up with Jess for a meal ... her choice of restaurant is Luby's!

Whitney Urquhart said...

What about the footlong hotdogs...you loved those too!!