August 20, 2013

4 Months!

I procrastinate on blogging because writing posts on my phone is just weird. Someday I want to get back into posting on the computer with actual pictures instead of only iPhone photos.

Whatever... Ok. So I'm very proud of my big girl. We got a new pediatrician since we moved (more on that later, it's a few posts worth!), and they are more practical in their vaccine schedules. I'm not against vaccines or anything crazy, but I want the schedule to make sense. 

At her 2-month appointment, the last doctor gave her all of them, even though I had questions, and we spent about a day with her feeling bad. This time we gave her 2 instead of 4- one we are skipping the dose, and the other we are delaying until her next appointment. Also she acted pretty normal afterward- maybe one longer nap. Definitely no sad crying!

She weighed 15 lbs 9 oz- in the 75th percentile still; 24.5 inches long which is in the 50th (she's staying short and chunky for now); and she has a huge brain- her head is 17 inches, in the 98th percentile.

We took her 3-month pictures recently (she's 4.5 months old now), and I'm not sure if we got a smile, but we did get her on her tummy pushing up. She's pretty strong. Her favorite thing is to play with her kick and play piano completely nude. I let her do that every morning for about an hour!

Different days, same toy!

We are working on sleeping at night, and we have a good routine going. Bean gets home around 6, we eat dinner right away. Abby sits in her bumbo chair for now until we get a high chair. Then Bean gives her a bath about 6:30, lotions her up, and wrestles her into her pjs. (Meanwhile I clean up from dinner and sometimes sit and read a magazine for a minute!) Then I feed her dinner and put her down around 7 . We are working on putting her down 'drowsy but awake', to help her learn to fall asleep on her own without us rocking, shushing, etc... That works better for naps usually! She's so tired at night that she falls asleep pretty quickly. 

If she takes better naps she sleeps better at night also. I'm guilty of letting her sleep on me sometimes once a day. I figure she's only little once and she's in her crib all of the other times. I sometimes feel like a slave to her naps- everything revolves around helping her get in good naps- but it also forces me to slow down! I'm known for setting up 10 errands in a day to run back to back, barely stopping to eat, and that just doesn't work for a baby!

Her other favorite toy is her jumper chair, a hand me down from our cousins.
She also gets really fussy at the end of the day. I try to keep her awake and active from 4 or 4:30 until bedtime at 7.

Other favorites are watching her dog and cat, talking to her sock monkey, and struggling to crawl. Number one favorite is being naked!


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Mom said...

I love reading these posts! And, of course, Abigail is the most beautiful granddaughter in the world! ;-0