October 12, 2013


I can hardly believe it's already been 6 months since Abigail was born!

She's now 17lbs, 8 oz (feels more like 25 lbs to my back!), in the 80th percentile. Her height is 26 inches, still 50th percentile, and her head is 17.5 inches, still 98th percentile. 

She still loves 'Nakey Time' most days.

She's started paying more attention to Ugly Charlie and Wage.

We met our friends for dinner at a bar and Abby seemed to enjoy it.

She makes me laugh.

Playing with daddy and ensuring that the Rangers lose. Every time she's worn one of her 3 Rangers onesies, they lost!

Chillin out on a walk.

Sleeping through lunch with friends. In fact, since I'm on that subject...

I can't resist the sleeping ones!

At our favorite close restaurant- Mex-I-Go! We let her gnaw on a radish there and she threw it on the floor.

Other foods we've tried include avocado, banana, peaches (favorite), peas, pumpkin/banana, and peaches/apricot/banana. 

She loves to help feed herself.  And she has a new friend named Juliette that she picked out from IKEA.

Favorite toys also include sunglasses, keys, anything that makes noise, and she likes to drive her car around now that she's figured it out.

'Um, excuse me, which way to the party?'

She thinks the sounds are activated by tongue only. Haha!  She also likes to watch me get ready in the morning. 

I'm so glad I don't have to rush and do that during her first nap anymore because sometimes that's at 8am and that's just way too early!

And dressed as a Parisian Mime at storytime at the library. She's learning so much from watching the older kids move around. The new trick is to go from sitting, flip onto her belly by twisting to the side and grabbing my leg, and then trying to push herself over my leg.

Like this. I think we will have a crawler soon. She also likes to pull herself up to standing and have one of us help her walk around, and then hold her steady while she bends down to pick something up. She likes to make noises and sing very loudly. She's very good at flipping from back to front very quickly, but almost never tries to flip from her tummy to back. I think she doesn't like losing control for those first couple of seconds. She knows what she wants and how to get it.

Getting a smile or laugh is my number one goal and they are hard to come by sometimes! She's too smart for her own good. I can't wait to see what happens over the next 6 months!

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Terri said...

LOVE this post!!! My how these 6 months have flown by - but also know there are many, many more milestones ahead to share with our beautiful little angel baby and her loving parents!!!
Love, Terri

Anonymous said...

Oh, so adorable! I am laughing like crazy! Never knew why Grandma's said things like " I could just eat you up!" -- until now! Love you all!

jeanette said...

Thanks for sharing Abby. 26" looks tall next to Juliette. ALL of Abby's apparel is adorable. Enjoy the moments...they become years!