May 18, 2015

Back Hallway: Before

This might be a boring project in general, but it's just a small piece of making our home exactly what we want it to be. The hallway gets heavy use and is just ugly and boring. It's also a small and relatively easy project that doesn't cost money because we already have all of the supplies we need to get started. 

Bean hates the boob light, and I'll admit, I prefer the lights we have in our other hallway. As for the colors, it's all white. White walls. Shiny white trim. Boring. And dingy. since it's old.

The previous owners left a key ring and a couple of hooks low on the wall. They definitely get a lot of use from my reusable shopping bags, purse and keys. They may not look organized, but they are a huge help. I still don't understand why the light switch and alarm panel are in the dead center of this wall, but we have a fun idea to fix that.

The bathroom door is just gross. Super shiny, and you can see all of the brush strokes from the previous painter's work. Of course we plan to fix the color of that door knob to match the others in the house.

Also on that wall is the door frame where we started marking Abigail's height. So far, all we have is 19 months and 2 years. It will be painted over, but we plan to replicate it and continue adding to it as the years go by!

This is something we did at our house growing up and I loved how it was a permanent part of the house. It makes it feel like a home for me, and I love the idea of Abs being able to walk past it as a teenager and remember how long she's been in this house.

The final thing for this hallway is removing the door into the laundry room and replacing it with something much cooler. The door takes up a lot of space as-is, and we can't even close it because of the huge beer fridge in the laundry room. We found a solution, and I can't wait to get it done and show you the results!

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jeanette said...

You are such a tease...I will patiently wait for your AFTER blog on the back hallway :)