August 30, 2015

Quick Project: Master Bedroom artwork

Life gets busy sometimes and details that really finish a room fall by the wayside. We finished our master bedroom a year and a half ago and still hadn't finished hanging the planned artwork until today.

There are three vacation photos: driving the Pacific Coast Highway, hiking the Inca Trail, and walking across the hanging bridges in Costa Rica.

There's a little romance...

A Banksy... Who I'm enthralled with! Nobody knows who Banksy is, they are a street artist who caused a huge stir by giving clues on their website hinting at where in NYC new/illegal pieces of art would show up each day for a month. Most of the pieces have humor or a political or ironic spin to them. This one is called "There Is Always Hope".

And finally, a greeting card that gives great advice.


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jeanette said...

Thank You for sharing your bedroom artwork project including a description of each piece. Your project may have taken longer to start than what you originally intended ... But I think you were busy living the items listed on your LIFE greeting card.
A chronicle of British street artist Banksy's "Better Out Than In" October 2013 project was made into a documentary titled Banksy Takes New York.

Allison said...

That's it! We watched that documentary over Thanksgiving last year and I fell in love. I had seen some of the artwork previously but hearing the background made it so much more interesting!