October 15, 2015

Tidying up: Mail Center

A mail center is definitely not something we considered on our must-have list when buying a home, but it fits perfectly as I love sending cards for any occasion, and love having a specific place for the task! 

However, the area quickly turned into a catch-all for junk that had no home at all and we were too lazy to figure it out. Here's now it looked basically since we moved in. Sometimes there were stacks of magazines, papers needing to be filed, old Halloween candy, etc.

Most of the items here went in the trash. Annoying pens, old gum, paper for projects that I finished long ago and know I don't have the discipline to save for a future project, magazines that I really have read more than twice, and a panda that a lady gave to Abby at an embroidery shop where we went to get her first birthday blanket monogrammed.

Items that stayed: various art supplies, all grouped together on one shelf; Abby's baby book and birthday letter journal, stacked together; one container of pens I like in a cubby with our return address stamp and actual stamps, notecards and thank you notes I actually like (remember that box full of thank-you notes and shot glasses we found? all taken care of!)...

Basically we gave a specific home to items we use frequently and got rid of everything else. Except for that one stack of wedding souvenir / program CDs. We are not sure what to do with them but are considering mailing a copy to all of our wedding party as a memento for our 8th Anniversary next month. I'm sure they will love that!

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jeanette said...

I agree..wedding CD would make a splendid gift to attendants on your 8th wedding anniversary next month. Has it been 8 years already?! It was a pleasure to be included on the rehearsal dinner and wedding ceremony/reception guest list. Bud was honored to cue your wedding ceremony songs.