August 18, 2015

Tidying up: the linen closet

Part of being at home all day long makes me think of the house as my duty. I treat it like I used to treat my store, where I put in the work to make it run like a well-oiled machine. I kept my store super organized, got rid of trash and inventory that was obsolete, and now I'm working to get my house in the same order. 

Here's my linen closet as it has looked since we moved in. It's fancy because it's lined in cedar, but it only has a few shelves. Not a problem!

This was fairly straightforward. I pulled out all sheets/items that didn't have a complete set and put them in the discard pile. Then I came to this gem. I've had it since I was in elementary school and saw New Kids on the Block for my first concert. I was obsessed. This sleeping bag is not comfortable, the inside is scratchy pink fleece that pilled over the years. But having it makes me laugh a little inside. I imagine the reaction my future best mom friend has when she sees this in the closet when our kids want to make a fort together. And then I thought it was silly, so I took this picture to remember it by, and put it in the discard pile.

Here's what we ended up with. A couple of extra pillows, Christmas books in storage in that bin, one extra comforter for picnics or forts, my wedding dress, our winter comforter, and full sheet sets organized by room. When we have guests, I can come right here, grab all clean towels and sheets, and set the room up. Wash and store them here in the meantime. So easy!

I showed Bean the pile of things I put in the discard pile, and he had a couple of questions but ultimately agreed with the items there. But he came back again asking about the sleeping bag. I told him I kind of wanted to keep it because it makes me laugh, and he wholeheartedly agreed, and even folded it and put it away for me! What a great guy.

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Anonymous said...

Scott is an extraordinary husband!