Step 2: Look at the catfish on the floor at Tony's. If you want, you can pick which fish you want to buy and they will kill them, and cut them up and wrap them in paper for you to take home and do with them what you will.

Step 3: Get two 40-lb bags of crawfish from Tony's, some catfish, and some shrimp to snack on.

Step 4: Make sure you have a brother-in-law that knows how to cook crawfish. He will bring the seasonings and the corn and potatoes and garlic bulbs. Make sure you have a father-in-law that knows how to fry fish and hushpuppies. Drink a beer while you watch them cook.

Step 5: You must have an LSU Cheerleader in attendance.

Step 6: And a cold beer for your crawfish to hang onto.

Step 7: Eat as much crawfish, boiled garlic, potatoes, fried fish, hush puppies, and 'special' cheetos as you can fit in your belly. Wash it all down with a Miller Lite (or 4). Share the table with your favorite cousin.

Step 8: Make sure you have plenty of family there. Even ones that you don't know very well and don't know how to start a conversation with. But especially ones that you love telling funny stories with!

Step 9: Get a picture of a baby with her Great Granddad's brother.

Bonus points if you can get her looking at him.
We had such a great time on this trip to Baton Rouge. Emma is getting so big and smiles all the time. Libby is only 3 months old and it was our first time meeting her but she's so cute and quiet. It was a baby-filled weekend and made us glad we both still want to wait a little longer before we have one of our own. The good news is that we finally ended the battle over our future boy's name: Carter Collins Bell.
I'm so glad to have that settled. My plan is to have Avery Leigh first, then Carter Collins, and then if we want a third at that point to have Donna Jeanette last. At this point, I want to get to where I can use my second girl's name, I love it so much. We'll see how the plan works out.
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