January 23, 2017

Women's March on Washington


Saturday morning I received a text that said simply, "Good morning."

It included this photo and a video of the same group of people walking together toward downtown Houston. Instantly I knew it was the women's march, and it came from my Dad.

I had been feeling a little down because I wanted to participate in my local march but didn't want to mess with the baby's nap schedule. Of course I would bring her and big sister along but baby doesn't really sleep on the go anymore. So I watched some on tv and texted a friend- I mentioned to her that I wished I was marching and she said she did too.

She reassured me that taking care of my family is important work and that it doesn't make me a bad feminist- because it's up to me to give my girls the values that are important to me. It still didn't take away my disappointment in not being a part of such a huge moment in history.

Nothing compares to later getting the message that your own Dad went and marched. I felt so honored and cherished that he thought it was important enough for women, for me as his daughter, to have access to comprehensive health care and equal pay for equal work, that he took the time to get out and protest.

So I'm looking for ways to contribute. I donated to Planned Parenthood as a birthday gift to the friend I mentioned. I plan to call my senator and protest the Fetal Burial Rule (see my posts on Pregnancy #2 letters and Prenancy #3 letters). And after that, I will think of something else.

I've worked in a male dominated industry and fought to get where I did- but ultimately hit a glass ceiling due to pregnancy. It was a struggle to come to terms with not having a career but I'm so thankful for the opportunity to raise my girls. I truly believe that my life experiences shape my political views and I'm really more moderate than people think, but I'm extremely passionate about human rights and I studied journalism and political science so I look at all angles. 

I saw a few good points in President Trump's plan and I hope that they come to pass, without us losing out on the social progress we have made as a country. But I completely zoned out during his live speech to the CIA when he described the process of hiring one of his cabinet picks. He tends to ramble, which in my opinion is the best of his worst qualities. 

For now, I've got my short action plan and I'm ready to see where this ride leads. The one thing I can be sure of is that my girls will love everyone for their differences and will not judge them for their choices. That's the best legacy I could ask for.

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jeanette said...

Your Dad is passionate and a very special man. Yes, we need a world less judgmental. This hatred and controlling attitude must stop.