June 8, 2008

It's a Girl! (but we already knew that) PART II

We recently found out that Clinton and Kayla are having a little girl! We already knew that because last time we saw them, Kayla referred to the baby as 'her', and said they had a girl name picked out but hadn't decided on a boy name. They were hoping for a boy, but I'm sure that will all change when they finally get to meet little Emma Lee.

After our most recent showing (this morning), we found out that the buyer is considering our house and another house with the same floor plan. Our house has better interior and exterior paint colors- the exterior is important because the HOA is really strict and it can't be changed; and tile floors instead of laminate. Ours is priced about $1100 above the other one, but luckily that one also has a one-car garage, which so far has been our only drawback.

The negative is that the buyer is allergic to cats. I vaccummed this morning and we swept and mopped last night, but the buyer still thinks our carpet needs to be replaced. It is in good condition, but I guess since it's impossible to get out pet dander, they will want it cleaned. We are more than willing to have it professionally cleaned (in fact, we'd planned on doing that anyway, as a gift to whoever the buyer is), but now we can include that in the contract- maybe even just give them an allowance and let them take care of it.

So we need good vibes now. Let's all imagine an offer coming in sometime this week. :)
My weekends are packed solid through August, and although it's great to have stuff to look forward to, part of me wishes I didn't have to work so much on the weekends so I could just relax and spend time with friends doing spur-of-the-moment things. Luckily I have this weekend off and no plans. Then the weekend after that is Girls Weekend and the one-year anniversary of Donna's death.

I think I spend a lot of time ignoring my feelings about different things, so that I won't feel sad or hurt. But it also prevents me from feeling truly happy. The other day I was driving home from work, thinking about who I could call to keep me company on the drive home. Everyone I thought of I'd talked to within the past couple of days or week. Then I thought, this would be a perfect time for Donna and I to practice our phone dates. The ones that we planned to get better at, and had precisely one of...before she got sick. After that, it was too hard to talk on the phone.

I did some research for my future tattoo this morning. Right now my plan is to get a quote or something sweet tattooed in Donna's handwriting on my foot/ankle area. So far, I have a short quote "Thanks for being such a great friend" which is ok, but not really my first choice. The other option is much longer "I cannot wait to see all the wonderful things that your new life is about to bring you". I need to look in old yearbooks too, but they're packed up in the attic. I like the longer quote more, but I'm worried about having it so small that you can't read it, and that by having it bigger it will turn into something un-feminine and not pretty. To me, it means that even though she's not here, she will still see what happens to me. And when she wrote it, she was referring to graduation and marriage, and the future, and knowing that she would be there for all of it.

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