So far, I've watched TV for approximately 2 hours, eaten 4 oreos, 2 waffles, and a banana, looked up my and S.'s FICO scores, and did our tax return online for the sole purpose of finding out how much we would get if we file jointly. I also looked up both of our credit reports on the 3 reporting agencies. It's good to know where we stand financially, especially when we'll be looking at getting a different house soon. I also signed myself up for the SCOPE walk/run.
It's the 3rd annual event for raising awareness for Colorectal cancer. We have Team Donna in place and we've already reached the goal of 50 people on our team. The new goal is 75 people, but I like to think of 100 people. We have shirts being made and of course us girls will wear the original shirts. Mr. Martine will be grilling after the event and we will carry a banner and noisemakers so that everyone knows who we are! If you're living in Houston or want to make the trip, here's more information:
Pass it on to everyone you know! As a side note, Liz and Donna did the run together for fun one year, and it was the first annual. Who knew that just 2 years later we'd be gathering the largest team ever in memory of Donna?

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