October 27, 2008

Everyone says time makes it easier to get over losing someone, and they're probably right. But it doesn't ever go away. I'm pretty good about telling people about her, and what she went through, and what we went through together. But I'm really not good at not missing her. I still want to call her sometimes, because I know she could make me feel better about whatever stupid thing I'm worrying about. Or at least she would listen without judging.

A lot of times I pretend that she's just living in Houston, and since I'm not there, that's why I haven't seen her in awhile. But I know it's a lie.

I wish I could be as good of a person as she was, but I don't think I will ever be. It makes me want to raise a daughter as loving and generous as she was. At the hospital, she told us girls that she would miss us, but she had no idea...absolutely no idea how living without her would make us feel. I heard a quote the other day: It's easier to be the one leaving than the one left behind.

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