February 9, 2009

Random thoughts...

Good news: No goiters here! I was also freaking out that I have neck cancer or something, but I'm all clear.

I've been on my medicine for about a week, and I definitely have a little more energy. I also get hungry at 9am again like I used to. But I do still feel very much 'larger' in my face and stomach. I realized today that I'm at the point where if I don't get back to taking care of myself instead of being lazy, I will gain lots of weight and my husband will not be attracted to me anymore. And then it will be that much harder to get in shape. I know it's annoying when people my size mention their weight, but I have gained 4 lbs. And it's not muscle! I need to catch it now, and prevent it from going much further. But that's not enough to motivate me to start working out again. Anybody have any better reasons why?

We surprised my Aunt Barby for her big 50th birthday this weekend with an Italian feast. I don't know if she was really surprised, but we had a great time telling stories and laughing. I really love my mom's side of the family. Everyone likes to laugh a lot. I also got to talk to my cousin Emily who I think just wants someone to listen to her and understand her point of view. She's always been the hyper kid who drives everyone crazy, but she's growing up.

I had an idea for a project to work on this year. A video compilation of the family. I need to get a video camera and some video editing software and I plan to interview the family about funny stories, advice for little ones, etc. and edit it all together into a short movie that's funny and touching. I'd also like to do it with Bean's family because I think they would really love to watch something like that.

I only wish I had the idea last year because there would be so many more great faces I could have had on their video. I miss doing the journalism thing: gather the information, figure out what you have, then piece it together into something great. I like the process of it. And if it's meaningful to me or someone else, even better!

My next post should have some pictures, either of Valentine's Day or the next item on my bucket list: Mardi Gras in New Orleans!!

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