I'm 1-2cm dilated and 80% effaced as of this morning so it's anyone's guess as to when the baby will get here. We set up a 40 week appointment next week so if we don't have a baby by then I hope she will help things along!
Here's the list! * indicates the old wives tale correctly predicted my girl
1. Chinese Gender Predictor: Boy*
2. Mother has a dream: Boy*
(My dream about Abby was very realistic; this dream was a little more abstract)
3. Mother's intuition: inconclusive*
4. Ease in deciding names: inconclusive* (both 3 and 4 were strong indicators for our girl which frustrates me this time around)
5. Belly shape/carrying high: Girl
(Lots of people tell me it's a Boy belly but I also heard that with Abby)
6. Baking soda test: Girl
7. Nonexistent or crooked Linea Negra: Girl*
8. Acne/bad skin: Girl* (a lady at a sushi restaurant told me bad skin means Boy?)
9. Dry skin: Boy
10. Baby heart rate in 130's: Boy*
11. Only weight gain in belly: Boy*
12. Warm/not cold feet: Girl
13. "You look pretty" comments: Boy* (I was always told I looked tired with Abby)
14. Clumsy: Boy
15. Dad weight gain: Girl*
16. Fingernails/Toenails grow fast: Boy
17. Leg hair growing slower: Girl
18. Craving slushies/Fruit: Girl*
19. Mayan Gender Prediction: inconclusive because it was within a day or two of my birthday 😁
20. Toddler prediction: Girl
So it's 8 for Boy (5 that are weighted because of their prediction being correct with Abby) and 9 for Girl (3 weighted). 3 inconclusive, two of which were very strong indicators for our girl. Hmmm...
Either way I can't wait to meet this baby!
Congratulations on the birth of Francine Rose!
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