Just like last year, we had Black Tie Mousse Cake to celebrate your birthday. You introduced me to this amazing dessert early in High School, I think. You said, "We HAVE to get Black Tie Mousse Cake. It's SOOO good." When it came out, you said, "Since it was my idea, I get the first bite from the front. That chocolate on top is gross so I'm taking it off. You can have the chocolate chips on the back, if you want them, but I don't like them so I usually don't eat them."
So many instructions on how to eat a dessert! But I appreciated you being my Black Tie Mousse Cake Ambassador. You really showed me the ins and outs of eating it. I still like the chocolate chips on the back, and I still do not like the chocolate on top.
Since I couldn't send you a birthday card this year, I decided I could channel you in another way. To dinner, I wore my hair up in a bun; no makeup; Mental Floss T-shirt (it was dirty too, I'd worn it once before); jeans that haven't been washed in at least a month, and flip flops. And I have freckles like you, just not as many. If I were going to send you a card, it would be something gross from Spencer's with a huge lady in lingerie, or something with cartoon line drawings and a clever saying. You were always my favorite to shop for cards for, because I could get you anything and you wouldn't be offended.
I REALLY miss you, and I'm sorry I missed your concert. I wish we could have one more sleepover, all piled up in one bed. And you were right, Bean is a really good guy. I'm so thankful that you and he had a connection because he helps me feel close to you- I think he really understood you. Happy 'Magic' Birthday! Mine is this year too, so I'll be thinking of you when it comes up, wishing I was getting a card from you too.
The first time we ordered the black tie was in middle school and I said i didi not want any desseert, when it came it looked so good I wanted a bite. Donna said I could have the chocolate chips on the back (the part she did not like). Wow she was great. i miss her too. happy b-day D!!
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