Yes, that is a zebra-print Snuggie. It is awesome. I've used it every single day since I got it. It's super soft and awesome looking. Sometimes I wear it as a robe by putting it on backwards. But the anniversary gift we planned to get each other didn't come home until today.
I would like to introduce our puppy Brooklyn. She doesn't know her name yet. And she's been home for about 4 hours now without a mess in the house. She also knows how to go get a ball and bring it back to you, how to chew a bully stick, where her 'house' is and how to stay in it without crying too much. She is content to sit on the couch and chew that bully stick for hours or follow us around the house.
In the car on the way home. She snuggled up to me and stayed there the whole time.
Chewing on that bully stick. We made her sit on a towel because she needs a bath. But she can't get one for 6-7 days because she just had surgery.
We did break a rule (I think) by letting her play around in the yard. She was loving it. I hope I can get one with the ball in her mouth soon.
I'm very happy with how today has gone, but I'm very nervous for tomorrow. I have to work open-close and Bean has a busy couple of day s before we head down to Houson. We don't have much of a chance to gradually increase her time in her crate, or to practice leaving for a little while so she knows we will come back. But we have to do what we have to do.
I will also try to get a better picture of her funny feet. Her front 'ankles' don't have very much strength from being in a cage for so long, and her back feet have an extra 'toe'- her dew claw that's normally higher on her leg is right next to her other toes. Very funny. We were told to gradually increase her exercise and she would build up strength in her front feet.
I can't wait to have our Christmas card made this year with our whole family! Eucie has been a little cautious and hid for awhile, but we set up a gate so Brooklyn can't come upstairs and Eucie will know she's safe up here.
Brooklyn is sooo cute!! Good luck with the next few days!! Love the snuggie!
I love how Euice has so many feelings...I can't wait to hear how Brooklyn does. What about her feet...I was kinda confused and feel as if I missed something. is she that what surgery was for??
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