February 14, 2010

Record Snow Day

Here is our house covered in snow. They predicted 3-6 inches, and said DFW airport got 12 inches. We didn't measure our yard, but it was at least 4-6 inches. The roads weren't bad- I never hit any ice, and the snow was so beautiful to look at from inside.

I wished I was at UNT. One of my favorite Valentine's Days happened at UNT. It was on a Saturday and it snowed quite a bit. I had given up sugar for at least 2 weeks before that day- that was when I worked out 6-7 days a week and ate stuff like soy cheeze, and gave up my favorite thing ever (sugar) just to see if I could. I woke up and had cookies and hot chocolate for breakfast, helped a friend out with a photo shoot in her dorm room, and bundled up to go sledding with my roommate on pieces of cardboard. That was one of two times I went sledding on cardboard at UNT. This snow day made me want to sled down my front lawn on a piece of cardboard. Unfortunately, Bean was not interested. So I convinced him to take pictures of me playing with Brooklyn in the backyard.

There we are next to the half-hearted snow lady with broken-off arms. If Bean was into it, we could have made an awesome snow-family in the front yard.

I made snowballs and threw them like a regular ball. She chased it like a regular ball too, until it disappeared into the yard.
"Here, taste it!"

"Throw the ball again!"