October 28, 2009

The search continues...

Yesterday afternoon we (I) suffered the first major disappointment in the search for our new addition (the dog). I found what I thought was the perfect dog on Petfinder, a 10-week old Basset Hound baby called Noah. I put in an application immediately because we've been browsing the website for over a month now and there aren't very many puppies of the right breed or size, or really very many puppies at all since they are rescues.

The next day I got an email back from the rescue group with 7 more questions, everything from: How much do you expect to spend anually on vet bills for one dog? to How much time will Noah be left alone during the day? to Are you planning to move anytime soon and if so, what will you do if you are unable to keep your dog?

So I promptly spent 45 minutes filling out the questions with the perfect answers that would show them just how much we want this dog, how we would love him forever and never give him back. And then I emailed friends and family and told my coworker about the application, and posted updates on Facebook. I was sure we had him.

I had a dream about him.

Then yesterday I came home to see if we had an email to schedule our home visit, and instead I got an email saying that they think Noah (who we had renamed 'Waylan Booger Bell', we would call him Booger) would be better suited in a home with another dog.

I'm so glad they sent us the additional questions and had me waste my time when on the original application it asked if there are other pets in the home, and I proudly told them about Eucie. We don't have another dog, and we probably won't have another dog for awhile, but they still thought it was appropriate for me to answer all of the extra questions, knowing full well they thought Booger should end up in a home with another dog.

When I got the news, I sent an email to friends, called Bean, and crashed on the couch, not wanting to move. I felt like the biggest loser- I don't know anyone who has been rejected from adopting a dog for any reason. And it's really unfair that anyone can buy a dog from a puppy mill, then not take care of it, and put it in a shelter because they are irresponsible, or didn't plan well enough, and when I come along with a wonderful situation to give that dog another chance, I get turned down.

And then when I told the story to Maggie and Bean came home, I bawled like a baby. I was going to spend my day off today getting supplies for Booger and getting his area all set up.

Then Bean took me for some comfort food at Carino's and we decided that we would continue to look on Petfinder, but we will also visit a couple of shelters in the area. Maybe we will surprise ourselves with what we find.