January 25, 2010

A day in the life of a SW Store Manager

Since I will be leaving for my National Sales Meeting in a couple of days, I wanted to leave a post about what my job is really like on a daily basis. This week I will have a manicure and pedicure, wear my hair down, wear regular business-casual clothes, and wear my wedding rings.

This is what the top of my left hand usually looks like:

Very dirty nails, as short as possible to hide the dirt. No diamonds. And this is the underside of it:

That's normal. When I do a color match, I dip my finger in paint, then wipe it off on a rag. The paint takes off the layer of dirt so that when I dry down a sample, the dirt doesn't mess up the matching process.

Here is a typical stack of 5-gallon buckets. There's a dolly made to wheel these around stacked 4-high. It weighs about 200 pounds. This is our best contractor paint for interior. Good stuff. Notice the two 5-gallon shakers to the right. They are very old and covered in paint.

Here's me standing next to the same stack:
They reach right at face-level. You have to make sure you balance the dolly correctly or they could fall on your face, especially when you take the paint over a curb or down the ramp that leads to our parking lot.
Here's one view of our warehouse when we got a big truck in:
Those blue and white bags have mud in them and the dust gets all over you. I hate stocking those!

Here's another view from the same spot, just turned to the right:
Pallets and pallets of paint to be unloaded, and then sold by me.
Now that I have my new assistant in place, I have much less to worry about when I go to the Sales Meeting with my manicured hands, diamonds, and pretty clothes. Especially not carrying around 5-gallon buckets or getting my hands dirty. It's something to look forward to all year! Did I mention that I love meetings?


sam and brittney said...

You are superwoman! I could not do what you do!!