On our first date (we went fishing), Bean showed up at my dorm to pick me up and I was eating french toast. Made with whole wheat bread free of high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils, egg beaters, and sugar-free syrup. He did eat a piece after claiming he was not hungry, then said he was full. Clever. All I could think about was that I took his advice and wore clothes I didn't mind getting dirty, which included a Texas A&M shirt (I'm a Longhorn fan, he prefers the Aggies- I found that out a year or two later). I didn't want to give him the impression I liked the Aggies. I don't know if he noticed that or not, but I'm quite sure he noticed that he didn't like the french toast I made.
I have more cooking stories for another time, but this is the first meal I made that Bean ate, and was literally glad to eat it, and had seconds. Not because he was obligated, but because he really wanted seconds. So here it is.

I made sure to have a french-sounding wine. What I'm most proud of is that the meal is complete- I made a salad with butter lettuce, strawberries, and balsamic vinigrette; plus I made sure to remember the bread. I'm not good at finishing out the meal. I'll make pasta and not have salad or bread or wine.

Here's a close up of the Gratin (by the way, how is that pronounced?). It was quite a process- about an hour total. Grating cheese is not fun. Neither is grating 3 raw potatoes. There's quite a bit of butter and tons of chives in there. I thought there were too many potatoes and too little ham- and it was a little bland.
Don't get me wrong, I like bland foods, but I'm still learning how to season food 'properly'. I don't ever taste food as I'm making it. I'd rather wait until the finished product. Apparently that's not the right way to do it. So we'll see if I can get over that hurdle.
Here's the finished product:

The gratin looks really good. Almost breakfast quiche-ish. The poached fish and cream... not quite sure. I just watched Julia and Julie and loved it. It has inspired me to cook though not French. I really did not like anything I saw her cook. To exotic for us Midlothian folk. I did however already puy together a 3 cheese spinach and pasta dish that I am going to stick in the oven for dinner. It is great and pretty easy. By the way why do you call Scott bean??? I feel like I know but cant remember...then I feel like I know but dont want to know... I remeber loaded questions at the Bay and have an idea.
I don't have a real reason to call him Bean. We were talking about nicknames and I said I liked Bean and something else, and he said he preferred Bean. It's funny because he won't eat beans. He thinks they are gross.
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