December 29, 2010

Friend's Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving is hands down my favorite holiday, and in college we started the tradition of getting together for Friends Thanksgiving (and also Friends Christmas) and cooking our favorite dishes and having a good time.

This year we decided to use the big green egg to smoke a turkey. Travis came over early to help Bean with the poking and prodding.

Maggie brought over Ranger so he and Brooklyn could play. They are matching!
And they like to kiss!

Us girls made a few appetizers to get the party started:While the boys worked on the turkey. I'm thinking it looks pretty gross.
Joey knows how to carve that bird, but Bean is the man of the house so he has to do some of the work.Everyone brought their favorite sides, and we had them all. Here's my plate:
I wish I could have a refill! I also had a plate of all of the desserts:
After dinner we gathered around to play our new favorite game. It doesn't have a name that I know of but everyone gets a stack of plain pieces of paper. Each person writes a phrase, then passes the stack to the left. When you get the stack, you pull up the next clean sheet and draw a picture of the phrase that's written. Then you pass again and write out what the picture is. It's like telephone, but way funnier!

Brooklyn snuggled up to Nulph and Foxy came too!Staci and Morgan came and brought both of their pups! I think that was the most dogs we've had in the house at one time- there were 5! Eucie hid upstairs away from all of them.
At the end of the night, Brooklyn was pooped from hanging out with all of her friends.
And we were too!
I feel so lucky that we have such great friends. And that I have such great friends, even if hardly any of them live close enough to come over on a random weekend for Thanksgiving. Looking at these pictures makes me happy to have so many important people crammed into our living room. Probably because I know that as much as I want them there, they also want to be there.