Guess what we found under our kitchen sink? Yes, 500 plastic bags that I've been forgetting to take with me to recycle. This 'going green' thing is pretty tough sometimes. I forget to bring the reusable bags to the grocery store just about every time, but tell myself it's ok as long as we use as few plastic bags as possible and then recycle them.
Bean just laughs inside everytime the checkout person puts one item in a bag, because he knows I'm fuming, but I don't want to be rude and tell them how to do their job. So we end up with this:
We realized we had so many when we went looking for a piece to the fondue pot on Valentine's Day. Here's our finished dinner:
We've done fondue several times for different occasions, but this year we got some steamed shrimp to go along with it. It was delicious! Bean also picked up these flowers at the grocery store while he was getting the shrimp. I also love that we are so adult, he buys me cards that say, "For my Wife..."
While preparing our feast, we let Brooklyn enjoy multiple pieces of apple. She really loves it!
Someday, I'm going to write one of those birthday posts that people do for their kids that are really really long and talk about all of the cute things their kids do. I'll do one for Brooklyn and Eucie. Get Excited!
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